City Groups


We were meant to live in community, not alone! Joining a College City Group is a great way to meet regularly with a other CITYCHURCHSALT students to build relationships, pray together, and study the Bible.

City Groups are small group Bible studies that provide an opportunity for college students to spend time with like-minded peers, grow spiritually, and disciple others. We offer co-ed, men’s, and women’s groups that meet weekly throughout the college semesters. Summer groups are meeting now! We hope you’ll check one out!


Join a City Group!


thoughts ON
City Groups


“Honestly City group are a great way to meet new people!! City groups have really help me come out of my shell it has allowed me to actually see Gods plan and understand why things happen. If you are in need of long lasting friendships, family, guidance, etc. you should seriously join a city group!!”

— KelleyAnn

“I was a bit nervous to join a City Group at first. I wasn't sure if the people there would be relatable or if the fellowship mattered enough to put aside a couple hours a week. I decided to give it a try to see where it goes, and it ended up being one of the best decisions. Throughout my first year at college, I had a safe place to wrestle with difficult, secular ideas and hear the thoughts of other believers. Studying Scripture in a tight, community setting and praying over one another throughout the week is powerful and is something that the Lord can use to grow us at City Church.”

— Evelynn

“My experience with City Groups has been amazing the last three semesters. I have been able to grow in my walk with Christ with fellow believers and dive deeper in God's Word. I am very grateful that are able to pray with each other and talk about what is going on in our lives. My favorite part about city groups is being able to talk about any prayer requests we might have and knowing that many people are praying for it. Most importantly, we learn how to live more like Christ in our daily lives.”

— Tommy